Fueling Our Horses Through Balanced Nutrition

Fueling our horses properly can feel like an overwhelming feat to many, if not all, horse owners. Walking into a feed store or talking to a barn pal about what they may be feeding and supplementing to their horse can certainly leave your head spinning and asking yourself, is this right for MY horse? BCS 5.0 Equine Nutrition aims to balance each horse through addressing the owner’s goals as efficiently and cost effective as possible, while always keeping the horse in mind first.
BCS 5.0 Equine Nutrition was born from a deep passion of feeding horses ever since Rachael was a young girl. Rachael is a lifelong horse owner with a diverse background in the show industry. From showing and working with varied breeds growing up, such as Draft Horses, Haflingers and Miniature Horses. Rachael owns her Haflinger of 10 years, Katie. Rachael and Katie used to perform in disciplines ranging from Western, English, Pleasure Driving and even performed on a jumping and driven drill team. Katie has now since retired from the show industry and is truly living her best retired life.

Growing up with horses facing metabolic challenges, Rachael quickly realized how vital proper nutrition is. She wanted to dive deeper into how to feed horses safely and effectively, especially those struggling with weight management. Learning that although these horses needed condition and weight loss, they still have daily nutrient requirements that need met and balanced. Rachael was determined to learn more at a young age and felt inspired to advance her knowledge through schooling and a career in the future someday.

Rachael’s journey with horses led her to pursue studies in Animal Nutrition from Ohio State University. After gaining experience in different roles, she knew that she wanted to become an independent consultant and create a brand that allows her to help horses and owners everywhere without brand and territorial limitations. Rachael also quickly realized that we needed more non-biased and non-judgmental nutrition expertise out in the field and industry. BCS 5.0 Equine Nutrition was launched in 2021 in order to fill the judgement free gap to help horse’s not only look, but more importantly, feel their absolute best from the inside-out and reach their genetic potential through balanced nutrition.
Balancing a horse’s nutrition is like a puzzle scattered all across the floor that I get to piece together. The majority of our horse’s diets is and should be forage. We begin by testing the forage that the horse is consuming and balance nutrients according to the quality of the forage. So, a diet report is carefully crafted and balanced, all according to the hay test results. Once they hay is rated for quality, we can choose the best fit diet for that horse as an individual. Therefore, laying the overwhelming feat of fueling your horse properly and efficiently at rest.

It truly is all about fueling and balancing each horse as an individual, as no two diet reports are ever the same. In addition, being able to put an emphasis on simplifying the feed room and potentially saving money on supplement and feed costs for the owner is always at the forefront of each diet report. Over 90% of the time, this goal is able to be achieved through our diet reports, reducing clutter in the feed room by choosing a diet that is efficient while saving on the pocketbook. Who doesn’t want to save money with fewer products in the feed room, and to also have the peace of mind that our horses are getting everything they need nutritionally?

At BCS 5.0 Equine Nutrition, one of Rachael’s favorite parts of what she does is being able to educate and share her knowledge. Having the opportunity to empower and educate each horse owner throughout the entire process and to become an advocate and a large part of their wellness team is an incredibly rewarding part of the process. It takes a team of wellness professionals to support our horses, but nutrition directly affects ALL systems and functions within the body. Therefore, by bringing the nutrition into balance, we are allowing our horses to thrive and perform at their maximum genetic potential. It’s the BCS 5.0 Equine Nutrition mission to bring out the absolute best in your horse by fueling them through balanced nutrition.

Rachael Haar
Independent Nutrition Consultant
CEO & Founder of BCS 5.0 Equine Nutrition
Based in Northwest Ohio
Through years of working for equine feed companies, Rachael has worked with numerous owners and their horses solving nutritional challenges and facing many diverse situations. Whether you have a trail horse for pleasure riding or a high performing athlete, your horse deserves optimal health, comfort, and nutrition. Rachael is deeply passionate about educating owners and transforming the physical and mental condition of their horses through science-based nutrition programs without breaking the bank. BCS 5.0 Equine Nutrition is not affiliated with any feed or supplement companies and Rachael is an independent nutrition consultant, so you can rest assured that her recommendations will be unbiased and budget conscious. Preventative maintenance is key to your horse’s overall health and longevity. BCS 5.0 Equine Nutrition is committed to working as your partner at every touchpoint of your horse’s health and wellness journey.
Article from the October issue of Equine Business Magazine